
[스크랩] Decorative GLASS ART /작품

채운산 2008. 9. 24. 00:06

Screamin' Yellow Shard Vessel

Amethyst Shard Vessel

Blasts (Aqua)

Blasts (Amethyst)


Red Flat

Amber Mega Blast

Hyacinth Mega Blast

Bristol Mega Blast

Amethyst Mega Blast

Amethyst Amazon Vase with 5 Fun Flowers

Hyacinth Amazon Vase with 7 Fun Flowers

Aqua Amazon Vase with 7 Fun Flowers

Amethyst Amazon Vase with 5 Fun Flowers

"Sea Green Amazon Vase with 5 Fun Flowers"

Detail of Mango Fun Flower

Detail of Red Fun Flower

Detail of Teal Fun Flower

BOBtanicals Group (left to right) Amethyst, Opal, Teal, Deep Pink, Sargasso Green

Chimney Vase

Shard Goblets

Red Bird Series



출처 : 이쁘고 고운 마음으로
글쓴이 : 맘님 원글보기
메모 :

'동영상·예술' 카테고리의 다른 글

[스크랩] 엄마 어렸을적에  (0) 2008.09.24
[스크랩] 숲속 친구들 / 작품  (0) 2008.09.24
[스크랩] 우리 한복  (0) 2008.09.24
[스크랩] 야채 예술  (0) 2008.09.23
[스크랩] 아름다운모래예술**  (0) 2008.09.23